All games from Kupa Bulgaria 2022 with status Finished


Kotzev, MartinParushev, Alexandar Miroslavov Draw 3/11/2022 Go to game
Kirkov, Toshko DimitrovKotzev, Martin Draw 2/6/2022 Go to game
Kotzev, MartinDavidov, Alexandar Draw 3/21/2022 Go to game
Davidov, Deian NikolovKotzev, Martin Draw 2/26/2022 Go to game
Kotzev, MartinDimitrov, Danail Draw 1/28/2022 Go to game
Gavrilov, IvayloKotzev, Martin Draw 5/31/2022 Go to game
Kotzev, MartinKogelov, Georgi Draw 6/14/2022 Go to game
Gavrijski, DimitarKotzev, Martin Draw 5/27/2022 Go to game
Kotzev, MartinIgnatov, Bozhidar White wins 11/24/2022 Go to game
Tsonev, Boyko StefanovKotzev, Martin Black wins 12/24/2022 Go to game
Kotzev, MartinGolemanov, Bozhidar White wins 2/8/2022 Go to game
Stoykov, IordanKotzev, Martin Black wins 7/20/2022 Go to game
Kotzev, MartinKaytazki, Lyubomir White wins 12/14/2022 Go to game
Analiev, DimitarKotzev, Martin Black wins 6/21/2022 Go to game
Parushev, Alexandar MiroslavovKirkov, Toshko Dimitrov Draw 4/2/2022 Go to game
Davidov, AlexandarParushev, Alexandar Miroslavov Draw 5/21/2022 Go to game
Parushev, Alexandar MiroslavovDavidov, Deian Nikolov Draw 5/1/2022 Go to game
Dimitrov, Danail Parushev, Alexandar Miroslavov Draw 4/2/2022 Go to game
Parushev, Alexandar MiroslavovGavrilov, Ivaylo Draw 7/10/2022 Go to game
Kogelov, GeorgiParushev, Alexandar Miroslavov Draw 7/4/2022 Go to game
Parushev, Alexandar MiroslavovGavrijski, Dimitar Draw 3/7/2022 Go to game
Ignatov, BozhidarParushev, Alexandar Miroslavov Draw 10/1/2022 Go to game
Parushev, Alexandar MiroslavovTsonev, Boyko Stefanov White wins 6/17/2022 Go to game
Golemanov, BozhidarParushev, Alexandar Miroslavov Black wins 5/24/2022 Go to game
Parushev, Alexandar MiroslavovStoykov, Iordan White wins 2/19/2022 Go to game
Kaytazki, LyubomirParushev, Alexandar Miroslavov Black wins 2/14/2022 Go to game
Parushev, Alexandar MiroslavovAnaliev, Dimitar White wins 2/18/2022 Go to game
Kirkov, Toshko DimitrovDavidov, Alexandar White wins 3/21/2022 Go to game
Davidov, Deian NikolovKirkov, Toshko Dimitrov Draw 2/6/2022 Go to game
Kirkov, Toshko DimitrovDimitrov, Danail Draw 1/28/2022 Go to game
Gavrilov, IvayloKirkov, Toshko Dimitrov Draw 5/22/2022 Go to game
Kirkov, Toshko DimitrovKogelov, Georgi Draw 3/23/2022 Go to game
Gavrijski, DimitarKirkov, Toshko Dimitrov Draw 1/23/2022 Go to game
Kirkov, Toshko DimitrovIgnatov, Bozhidar White wins 8/16/2022 Go to game
Tsonev, Boyko StefanovKirkov, Toshko Dimitrov Black wins 11/13/2022 Go to game
Kirkov, Toshko DimitrovGolemanov, Bozhidar White wins 2/21/2022 Go to game
Stoykov, IordanKirkov, Toshko Dimitrov Black wins 2/13/2022 Go to game
Kirkov, Toshko DimitrovKaytazki, Lyubomir White wins 3/2/2022 Go to game
Analiev, DimitarKirkov, Toshko Dimitrov Black wins 2/26/2022 Go to game
Davidov, AlexandarDavidov, Deian Nikolov Draw 3/15/2022 Go to game
Dimitrov, Danail Davidov, Alexandar White wins 4/4/2022 Go to game
Davidov, AlexandarGavrilov, Ivaylo Draw 7/9/2022 Go to game
Kogelov, GeorgiDavidov, Alexandar Draw 6/11/2022 Go to game
Davidov, AlexandarGavrijski, Dimitar Draw 3/3/2022 Go to game
Ignatov, BozhidarDavidov, Alexandar Draw 10/11/2022 Go to game
Davidov, AlexandarTsonev, Boyko Stefanov White wins 5/16/2022 Go to game
Golemanov, BozhidarDavidov, Alexandar Black wins 3/21/2022 Go to game
Davidov, AlexandarStoykov, Iordan Draw 3/21/2022 Go to game
Kaytazki, LyubomirDavidov, Alexandar Draw 2/3/2022 Go to game
Davidov, AlexandarAnaliev, Dimitar White wins 2/22/2022 Go to game


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