SLO Slovenia


Slovenia national events

Marjan Šemrl

Marjan Šemrl

Danilo Korže

Other Contact Danilo Korže

Members 0 - 99

Article provided by: Janko Bohak


Short History

We do not have specific information about CC in Slovenia before the First World War. After the war some Slovenian players played in CC tournaments organised in the former Yugoslavia (1932-1940).

In Slovenia, it all began with Dr. Milan Vidmar (1885-1962), the most prominent figure in Slovenian chess history. He is remembered not only in chess circles, but even more in Slovenian technical science history. His specialisation was in the field of transformers and his inventions are world-renowned.

He was one of the founders of Ljubljana University and its first Dean. He wrote 35 books dealing with electronics and philosophy, and several of them are meant to explain chess secrets. He was also one of the founder members and the first president of the former Yugoslav Chess Federation (founded 14.8.1921 in Celje – Slovenia).

Dr. Milan Vidmar was also the first Slovene who played in a high level CC tournament and who won this tournament in years 1936-37.

The development of CC in Slovenia became more concrete after the Second World War when several players from Slovenia participated in Yugoslav CC Championships and in international CC Tournaments.

In 1967-70 Francek Brglez (1922-1997) won the 4th European Championship and achieved the CC IM title (1970). Then for his result in 1st Vidmar Memorial Tournament he obtained the CC GM title (1975).

At present, CC GM title holders are Leon Gostiša (1998) and Boris Žlender (1998), SIM title holders are Janez Podkrajšek (1999) and Anton Praznik (1999) and CC IM title holders are Zvonka Pezdirc-Praznik (1981), Janko Bohak (1983), Anton Preinfalk (1987), Joze Pucelj (1997), Peter Kariz (1999), Francka Petek (2000) and Joze Novak (2001).

The CC council of the Slovenian Chess Federation was founded on the 17th of September 1978 in Ptuj (the first president was Francek Brglez and a founder member was Janko Bohak) in co-operation with the Yugoslav CC organisation.

The CC council of the Chess Federation of Slovenia became a member of ICCF on 23rd September 1992 in Graz.

The Slovenian national team has taken part in the Preliminaries of the 12th ICCF Olympiad, the Preliminaries and Final of the 5th European Team Championship, the preliminaries of the 6th European Team Championship, the preliminaries of the 13th and 14th ICCF Olympiads, the “Slav Cup” and Mare Nostrum team tournaments.

Friendly matches over 10 boards are played with USA, Argentina (CAPA), England and Croatia , on 24 boards with France, on 30 boards with Norway and friendly e-mail matches on 15 boards with Austria and 20 boards with Sweden.

Four National CC Championships (1994, 1995, 1996 and 1998) with 15 players in the finals have been finished.



1st Championship(1994)

Brglez Francek 13 points, Žlender Boris 11, Baric Dusan 9.5, Lorbek Rihard 8, Marek Ivan 8, Copar Anton 8, Hriberšek Joze 8, Bohak Janko 7.5, Potrata Janko 7.5, etc.

2nd Championship(1995)

Vetrih Joze 13 points, Kariz Peter 11.5, Bohak Janko 9, Copar Anton 8, Jeric Aleksander 8, Faganel Ernest 7.5, etc.

3rd Championship(1996)

Kersic Matej 11 points, Loc Andrej 10.5, Roblek Edo 10, Copar Anton 9.5, Kariz Peter 9, Bohak Janko 8.5, Potrata Janko 7.5, Krajnc Leon 7.5, etc.

4th Championship (1998)

Kariz Peter 11 and Gerzina Mitja 11 points, Hriberšek Joze and Copar Anton 10, Bohak Janko and Potrata Janko 8.5, Baric Dusan and Vecek Marjan 8, etc.


The 2nd Vidmar Memorial Tournament with 15 players was organised by the Slovenian CC council.

Results: Petti Lehikoinen (FIN) 11.5 points, Harald Tarnowiecki (AUT) 11, Leon Gostiša (SLO) and Alfredo Roca (ARG) 10.5, Boris Žlender (SLO) and Petter Stigar (NOR) 9, David Kilgour (SCO) 8, Anton Praznik (SLO) and Janez Podkrajsek (SLO) 7, Timothy Binham (FIN) 6, Ibrahim Kapic (CRO) 5, Bent Sorensen (DEN) 4.5, etc.


The “Francek Brglez Memorial Tournament” organised by the Slovenian CC council with 14 players began on May 1999.

Top Players
PlaceICCF IDTitleNameRatingRD

1 480135 GM Borštnik, Aleš2610113
2 480179 GM Šivic, Jernej2607114
3 480098 GM Šemrl, Marjan2603113
4 480084 GM Korže, Danilo256098
5 480176 IM Komarica, Borut249971
6 480086 SIM Novak, Jože2491110
7 480335 SIM Praznik, Niko248682
8 480333 SIM Coklin, Marko247383
9 480360 IM Bratovič, Blaž246780
10 480011 SIM Čopar, Anton2463100

Complete Slovenia rating list
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