WLS Wales


Wales national events

Austin Lockwood

Austin Lockwood

Russell Sherwood

Other Contact Ian Jones

Congress Joined 2012 Pretoria

Members 100 - 199

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation (WCCF), or Ffederasiwn Cymru Gwyddbwyll drwy Ohebiaeth, is the ICCF national body representing all Welsh correspondence chess players. The primary objective of the federation is to promote the participation of Welsh correspondence chess players in international tournaments, to organise national events for Welsh players, and to form a national team to represent Wales in events organised by the International Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF).

The inaugural meeting of the Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation was held on Saturday 18th August 2012, 13:00 - 15:00 at the Scala Cinema and Arts Centre, 47 High Street, Prestatyn, Denbighshire LL19 9AH; the main business of the meeting was to formally establish the federation, to ratify the constitution, and to elect officers. All Welsh chess players with an interest in correspondence chess were cordially invited to attend.

"National" membership of WCCF is free to all players registered in ICCF under the Welsh flag; optional "Premium" membership is also available as a small annual subscription.

WCCF was formally recognised by ICCF as the national correspondence chess federation for Wales at Congress in 2012.

Top Players
PlaceICCF IDTitleNameRatingRD

1 810163 IM Keevil, Paul252364
2 810075 CCM Wakeham, Marc R.249356
3 210855 SIM Balshaw, Anthony248894
4 810209 SIM Yeo, Gareth247785
5 810174 CCM Bishop, William243968
6 810160 SIM Claridge, John B.243892
7 810233 CCM Scott, Paul243772
8 810286 CCM Robinson, Josh243670
9 810161 IM Sherwood, Russell243253
10 810202 IM Sherwood, Helen242952

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