CUB - USA 2023, Cuba - USA Friendly Match 2023

TD Hernandez Fernandez, Noel
Utrera Zunda, Evelio
Leonard, Andrew
Board 1CUB CCM Pérez Rodríguez, Rubén2413½½½½USA SIM Ingersol, Harry2411
Board 2CUB CCM Vila Hernández, Carlos2407½½½½USA IM Adams, John Dain2410
Board 3CUB CCM González Cubertier, José M.2381½½½½USA CCM Gleyzer, Leonid2399
Board 4CUB CCM Fernández Medina, Etienne2379½½½½USA CCM Oen, Grant2378
Board 5CUB CCM Utrera Zunda, Evelio2357½½½½USA CCM Jones, Kenneth E.2364
Board 6CUB CCM Rangel García, Raúl2353½½½½USA CCM Relyea, Alexander2351
Board 7CUB IM del Toro Montoya, Yovany2353½½½½USA IM Schakel, Corky2347
Board 8CUB CCM Vega Palma, Manuel2342½½½½USA CCM Moriarty, Alexis2342
Board 9CUB CCM Herrera Soto, Manuel2334½0E1E½USA CCM Henderson, Greg2337
Board 10CUB CCM Menéndez Rodríguez, Giraldo2327½½½½USA CCM Mukherjee, Somnath2328
Board 11CUB CCM Menéndez Rodríguez, Giraldo2327½½½½USA CCM Hannum, Wallace2315
Board 12CUB CCM Tamayo Gutiérrez, Rommel2305½½½½USA CCM Gates, Joseph2313
Board 13CUB CCM Tamayo Gutiérrez, Rommel23051½½0USA CCM Moujan, Pablo2308
Board 14CUB CCM Cartaya Verdecia, Michael2298½½½½USA CCE Reger, Jeff2301
Board 15CUB CCE Carralero Rodríguez, Iván2289½½½½USA CCE Dudley, Michael2284
Board 16CUB Pérez Pupo, Rafael2278½½½½USA CCM Greninger, Harley2278
Board 17CUB CCE Jordán Rodríguez, Miguel Agustín22621½½0USA CCE Arnold, Eric2274
Board 18CUB CCE Pérez Jorrín, Enri Arturo2257½½½½USA CCM Vaughan, James2270
Board 19CUB Reyes Sablón, Alberto2227½½½½USA Smith, Josh2219
Board 20CUB Reyes Sablón, Alberto2227½½½½USA CCM Rossbottom, Tom2214
Board 21CUB CCE Ronquillo Tamarit, Walfredo22201½½0USA CCE Weiss, Lester P.2209
Board 22CUB Pupo Pérez, Héctor2220½10½USA CCE Cofer, David2202
Board 23CUB CCE Azpiri Medina, Luis2175½½½½USA CCE Berthelot, Paul2187
Board 24CUB Rosabal Perea, Rolando21740E0E1E1EUSA CCE LaDuke, Matt2168
Board 25CUB Sueiro Coronado, José R.2151½01½USA CCE Houglan, Rob2168
Board 26CUB Aguilera Benítez, Gastón2128½½½½USA CCE Smith, Richard2137
Board 27CUB Aguilera Benítez, Gastón2128½½½½USA Apshankar, Kapil Shripad2111
Board 28CUB Carballo Márquez, Luis M.2079½½½½USA Cross, Gregory W.2089
Board 29CUB Prades Escobar, Eliecer2079½½½½USA Stoicescu, Christian Dan2053
Board 30CUB CCE Cruz Ramirez, Eliecer2009½01½USA Sylvander, D.2018
Board 31CUB CCE Cruz Ramirez, Eliecer2009½01½USA Sylvander, D.2018
Board 32CUB Rodríguez Rodríguez, Mariano Danilo18941100USA Jarosz, Stanley J.1897
Board 33CUB Rodriguez Zas, Jose Alejandro1800P1100USA French, Jeffrey1800P
Board 34CUB Rodriguez Zas, Jose Alejandro1800P½10½USA Schoenwald, Ira1800P
Board 35CUB Alonso Orta, Osiel1800P0E0E1E1EUSA Burton, Zev1800P
Board 36CUB del Pino Estenoz, Amado René13740E0E1E1EUSA Rice, Russell J.1393



XE = exceeded time limit
XP = provisional

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 72

This is a server event.
The start date was 5/1/2023.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 40 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
This event is organized by Doren, Dennis M..

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