WLS/SRCCC/24/D2 Board 2, States and Regions CCC 2024 Division Two Board 2

TD Anderson, Gordon M. (IA)
Category 412345678910111213SIMIMCCMCCEScoreWinsSBRGPlace
1LAT910355IMRimšāns, Andris2371(70)LAT Zemgale Latvia½½0½½½½.....305.551
2WLS810300CCEJenkins, Gerald2286(86)WLS Welsh Irregulars½½½.½½......762.505.2572
3ITA242192CCEGhidini, Roberto2327(68)ITA La Guardia Del Re½½.½½.½.....762.50573
4ENG219137CCMMason, Ian J.2411(67)NATCOR1½.½........7215.2594
5ITA241836CCMAnnoni, Riccardo2356(61)ITA I Toscanacci½.½½.½......204.585
6PHI896236CCESimplina Ubeda, Roma Aurora2307(94)PHI Isabela Knight Raiders½½½.........761.50496
7WLS810301CCMBowley, Michael2356(76)WLS Valleys Power½½..½.......1.503.7597
8CFR141107CCMPopov, Vladimir Valentinovich2310(47)Volga-Moscow½.½.........7102.75108
9ESP161821 Pérez Torres, Juan Manuel2167(139)ESP Costa da Morte............76000129
10HUN239033CCMDaróczy, Sándor2337(73)HUN Central Hungary............7000129
11USA510836SIMMillstone, Michael2388(65)USA Florida Knights............000129
12CUB690589CCMRodríguez López, Roberto Carlos2352(82)CUB Cuban Fighters............7000129
13PHI896315 Suter, Anatalio, Jr.2286(93)PHI Mindanao Team............76000129

Latest results from 12/9/2024 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 62, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 16

This is a server event.
The start date was 9/21/2024.
3-day guaranteed reflection time applies after move 50.
Triple Block system for a 700 day event, with 50 days initial bank and 5 days increment for the first 50 moves is used.
If a player's clock reaches zero, the player will automatically be scored with a loss (even if the bank and/or the increment are > 0). Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
Players cannot stop their clocks to take leave.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Individual ties are broken by the Baumbach tie breaking rule. This applies to board cross tables.
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule This applies to the team cross table.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Sherwood, Russell.

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