ESP-PER 2012, España - Perú

TD Lahdenmäki, Leo (IA)
Juárez de Vena, Antonio
Figlio, Gino Franco
Board 1ESP Martín Molinero, Raúl2387½½½½PER SIM Figlio, Gino Franco2399
Board 2ESP IM Destruels Moreno, Vicente2366½½½½PER Rivas Maceda, Juan2373
Board 3ESP IM Sánchez Ródenas, Antonio2312½½½½PER Cusicanqui, Marco2368
Board 4ESP Triay Moll, Liberto23121½½0PER Rivas Maceda, Jorge2320
Board 5ESP Folk Gilsanz, Jordi2308½½½½POR Grego, Luís José Gonzaga2316
Board 6ESP Jiménez Ariza, José Manuel22901100PER IM Rivas Romero, Guillermo2289
Board 7ESP De Blois Figueredo, Adrián2374½½½½CUB Flor Trejo, Remigio2272
Board 8ESP Gutiérrez Dopino, José María2253½½½½PER De la Calle, Israel2233
Board 9ESP García Gil, José Luis22511½½0PER IM Fernández Ballón, Armel2201
Board 10ESP Pina Fernández, José Antonio22470½½1PER Benites Rivas, Luis1800P
Board 11ESP Castelló Benavent, Joaquín José2227½½½½PER Cárdenas Huaman, Alfredo2167
Board 12ESP De Blois Figueredo, Adrián2374½½½½PER Panduro, Raul2127
Board 13ESP Lecha González, Jesús Nicolás22121100PER Beltrán Marin, Javier2107
Board 14ESP Llagaria Vidal, Eduardo20831100PER Castilla, Luis2026
Board 15ESP Padilla López, Demetrio Roberto19201100PER Fernandez Gonzales, Gregorio1878
Board 16ESP Cotura Vidal, Lluis18970011PER Malasquez, Juan1800P
Board 17ESP Jurado Pérez, Oliver1871½½½½PER Malasquez, Juan1800P
Board 18ESP Aguilar Medina, Juan José1800P0011PER Benites Rivas, Luis1800P



XP = provisional

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 36

This is a server event.
The start date was 8/25/2012.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
Games are stopped if a player exceeds his thinking time. A claim by the opponent is required.
30 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the TD.
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
This event is organized by De Blois Figueredo, Adrián.

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