GER/C43/final, 43. Deutsche Meisterschaft

TD Seyb, Norbert
1GER83300SIMLins, Thomas2489½½½½1½½1½½11844.7501
2GER85854 Schilcher, Adrian2463½0½½½½1½1½117.54102
3GER80999SIMNogga, Uwe2408½1½½½½½½½½1½741.503
4GER89985SIMBellmann, Herbert2494½½½1½1½0½½½1740.2504
5GER85028IMStieger, Helmut2412½½½0½½½1½1½½6.537.505
6GER85537 Jacobs, Rudolf23950½½½½½½1½1½½6.53706
7GER82599IMTauber, Hans2455½½½0½½½011½16.535.507
8GER85639 Schwichow, Peter2349½0½½½½½½½½½1633.508
9GER85728 Böhme, Sebastian23320½½1001½½½½1633.508
10GER82996 Heinke, Richard2408½0½½½½0½½½½15.530.5010
11GER81312IMDorer, Manfred2412½½½½000½½½½½4.527011
12GER80226IMOechslein, Rainer2433000½½½½½½½½½4.525.5012
13GER81549SIMBeykirch, Wolfgang242600½0½½0000½½2.514.5013

Latest results from 2/22/2015 are displayed in red.

Not finished: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 78

Diese Tabelle dient ausschliesslich der ELO-Auswertung. Abweichungen zur offiziellen Turniertabelle, die auf dem Server des Deutschen Fernschachbundes geführt wird sind möglich.

This event is played by postal mail.
The start date was 11/12/2012.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 40 days is used.
40 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the Special Leave Office.
Ties are broken by the Sonneborn-Berger tie breaking rule.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the TD.
Where game scores are available:
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Isigkeit, Hans-Jürgen.

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