MT-Botvinnik, Botvinnik Memorial

TD Rezvyakov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Category 9 GM=10 SIM=8 IM=7 LGM=4½ LIM=2½123456789101112131415ScoreSBRGPlace
1CFR141280 Perevertkin, Vladimir V.25381½½111½½111111127701
2CFR140800 Gilimshin, Asamat Ulfatovich23740½½½1½½1111½111060.2502
3CFR141166SIMRomanov, Sergey Anatolievich2535½½1½½01½½1½1½1957.2503
4GUA720001SIMBlanco Gramajo, César Augusto2508½½00½111½01111954.2504
5SVK950043IMRákay, Kvetoslav24530½½1½½1½½½11½½8.554.7505
6CFR149148 Napalkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich239600½½½1½½½½11118.54806
7CFR141026 Kharitonov, Aleksandr Alekseevich23640½10½0011½½11184607
8CFR141164 Shikalov, Andrey Viktorovich2441½½000½101101½1742.508
9ENG210324SIMMukherjee, Ajoy K.2502½0½0½½01½½1½½174209
10GER81282SIMNickel, Arno254100½½½½00½11½11738010
11CFR149248 Chigishev, Aleksandr Vasilievich2200P0001½½½0½00½115.531.5011
12LUX579036 Mertens, Marc250700½000½1001½½1525.75012
13CFR140258IMRodin, Efim Grigorevich24450½000000½½½½½1420013
14CFR140705 Sabaev, S. V.254800½0½00½½00½½½3.520.75014
15SVK950028GMLanč, Alois25650000½00000000½16015

XP = provisional

Not finished: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 105

GM norm achieved by: Gilimshin, Asamat Ulfatovich; Perevertkin, Vladimir V.
SIM norm achieved by: Gilimshin, Asamat Ulfatovich; Kharitonov, Aleksandr Alekseevich; Perevertkin, Vladimir V.; Napalkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; Rákay, Kvetoslav
IM norm achieved by: Gilimshin, Asamat Ulfatovich; Kharitonov, Aleksandr Alekseevich; Shikalov, Andrey Viktorovich; Perevertkin, Vladimir V.; Napalkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich

This event is played by postal mail.
The start date was 3/4/2001.
The end date was 4/30/2004.
30 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the TD.
Ties are broken by the Sonneborn-Berger tie breaking rule.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the TD.
Where game scores are available:
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Grodzensky, Sergey Yakovlevich.

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