SLO-USA 2015, USA - Slovenia Friendly Match

TD Matyukhin, Sergey Konstantinovich (IA)
Šemrl, Marjan
Holroyd, Kenneth
Board 1SLO GM Korže, Danilo2536½½½½USA GM Ostriker, Jon2552
Board 2SLO SIM Čopar, Anton2516½½½½USA SIM Holroyd, Kenneth2526
Board 3SLO SIM Gerzina, Mitja25000011USA IM Morrow, Wolff2469
Board 4SLO IM Jemec, Viktor2420½½½½USA SIM Biedermann, Thomas2426
Board 5SLO SIM Vohl, Gregor2385½½½½USA IM Schakel, Corky2308
Board 6SLO IM Pranjič, Mitja2361½01½USA Parmet, Daniel2375
Board 7SLO Markič, Vladimir2328½½½½MEX Mercader Martínez, Juan Gustavo2355
Board 8SLO Potrata, Janko2322½½½½USA Brooks, Michael2352
Board 9SLO Veček, Marjan2321½01½USA Gleyzer, Leonid2323
Board 10SLO Sorčnik, Klemen2299½½½½USA Landes, Eric2297
Board 11SLO IM Bohak, Janko22901½½0USA Greig, Steve2267
Board 12SLO Debevec, Blaž22860011USA Jones, Kenneth E.2265
Board 13SLO Grabner, Jože2283½½½½USA Biedermann, Kyle2257
Board 14SLO Unuk, Robert22161½½0USA Edwards, K. E. D. G.2230
Board 15SLO Coklin, Marko2214F½½½½USA Geier, Timothy2220
Board 16SLO Šeško, Marijan2213½01½USA Stein, Kurt W.2214F
Board 17SLO Dančulović, Jovica22091½½0USA Beres, Juraj2201
Board 18SLO Merlini, Dušan22060E0E1E1EUSA Henderson, Greg2198
Board 19SLO Žunkovič, Slavko2177½½½½USA Jenkins, Richard2188
Board 20SLO Pokrivač, Izidor21511100USA Robledo Sr, Mark2148
Board 21SLO Žnuderl, Matej21270011USA Chilson, Steven W.2136
Board 22SLO Gačnik, Ljubomir21220½½1USA Korogodski, Leonid2115
Board 23SLO Rihtarič, Ivan2105½½½½USA Deskin, Gary2111
Board 24SLO Kavc, Andrej2104½10½USA Chipkin, Leonard B.2104
Board 25SLO Ovčjak, Jan21041½½0USA Barr, Edward2102
Board 26SLO Jakša, Cvetko20350011USA Tedesco, Matthew2037
Board 27SLO Kogoj, Boris19920½½1USA Giordano, Mike2001
Board 28SLO Skuhala, Jernej19890½½1USA Gonzalez-Gigato, Jose1989
Board 29SLO Suhadolnik, Jernej1898F0E0E1E1EUSA Cakars, John1930
Board 30SLO Černe, Peter18840E011EUSA Turner, Larry1874
Board 31SLO Ovčjak, Luka176510D1D0USA Nurmi, Ronald1768
Board 32SLO Zajšek, Franc1800P1100USA Stewart, Scott A.1800P



XD = result by default
XE = exceeded time limit
XP = provisional

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 64

This is a server event.
The start date was 8/1/2015.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the six piece tablebase.
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
This event is organized by Doren, Dennis M..

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