GB/WH2015, C & DCCC 2015/16 Division 1 - Ward-Higgs

TD Limbert, Neil (IA)
Bd 1Bd 2Bd 3Bd 4Bd 5Bd 6Bd 7Bd 8TotalFGRGWins
1ENG Yorkshire ABeckett, Phillip J.½½111½½111½½½½11121608
2ENG Essex AAbbott, S.1½½½½½1½1½½½111½111606
3ENG Yorkshire BBeckett, Phillip J.½½½½½0111111E0½1½10.51607
4ENG Surrey ATillett, Richard1100½½½0½½½½½11½8.51604
4ENG HampshireBarber, Philip½½½½½½½½1E1E0E011½08.51604
6ENG Warwickshire AEscott, Keith L.00½1½0½½½01111½081605
7ENG Essex BAbbott, S.½½½½1½½½½½00½½½181602
8ENG SussexMansson, James C.½½0½1E10½001½00½061603
9ENG SuffolkStephens, Bob½½½½½½½½00½0000½51600
10ENG StaffordshireDavies, Andrew P.½0½½00E000E0E½½00002.51600

1st playerBoardTeamWhiteBlackWhiteBlack2nd playerBoardTeam
Pairing 1ENG Williams, Stephen M.22781Essex B½½½½ENG Eastoe, Leslie K. G.22981Sussex
Pairing 2ENG GM Coleman, Peter L.26231Essex A1½½0ENG Ewan, Rod22381Staffordshire
Pairing 3ENG Wallis, Ian J.20591Suffolk½½½½ENG Grobler, David J.22441Yorkshire B
Pairing 4ENG GM Hall, Richard V. M.26201Yorkshire A½½½½ENG Bennett, Craig23661Hampshire
Pairing 5ENG Farley, R. T.23191Warwickshire A0011ENG Brooks, Phil J.2000P1Surrey A
Pairing 6ENG GM Brooks, Ian S.25222Yorkshire A1100ENG Phillips, Owen2000P2Surrey A
Pairing 7ENG Jones, Bob2000P2Suffolk½½½½SCO McLeod, Fraser2000P2Hampshire
Pairing 8ENG SIM Bowyer, Ken J.23112Essex A½½½½HKG Hall, Graeme22182Yorkshire B
Pairing 9ENG O'Connor, N. P.21652Essex B½½½½ENG IM Anderton, David William24242Staffordshire
Pairing 10ENG Grayland, Stan J.23672Warwickshire A½10½ENG Spanton, Tim22762Sussex
Pairing 11ENG Vachtfeidl, Petr22513Essex B1½½0ENG IM Chambers, Duncan22203Yorkshire B
Pairing 12ENG Stebbings, Anthony J.2000P3Essex A½½½½ENG Blake, Michael J.21903Hampshire
Pairing 13ENG Peck, Silas2000P3Suffolk½½½½ENG Thurlow, Kevin J.21473Surrey A
Pairing 14ENG SIM Williams, Christopher C.24183Yorkshire A1½½0ENG Davis, Max E.22823Warwickshire A
Pairing 15ENG Pritchard, David J.2000P3Staffordshire00E1E1ENG Batchelor, Paul A.22163Sussex
Pairing 16ENG Revell, Philip W.22444Suffolk½½½½ENG SIM Carleton, John Joseph22554Warwickshire A
Pairing 17ENG Manley, Jonathan P.23694Essex A1½½0ENG Baker, C. B.2000P4Surrey A
Pairing 18ENG Sheppard, Barry S.22914Essex B½½½½ENG Ward, Richard21474Hampshire
Pairing 19ENG Williamson, Dawn L.21624Yorkshire B1100ENG Carr, Matthew2000P4Staffordshire
Pairing 20ENG IM Lumley, Bill F.24034Yorkshire A½10½ENG Mansson, James C.21934Sussex
Pairing 21ENG Kenworthy, Gary2000P5Essex B½½½½ENG Mason, Ian J.22365Surrey A
Pairing 22ENG IM Corfield, Julian23395Essex A1½½0ENG IM Brockbank, Henry W.23325Warwickshire A
Pairing 23ENG Greenacre, Kevin2000P5Suffolk0011ENG Catt, Peter23655Yorkshire A
Pairing 24ENG Herriot, Brian James22055Yorkshire B1100ENG Elliston, Robert V.21205Sussex
Pairing 25ENG Perrin, Richard David20185Hampshire1E1E0E0EENG Walker, John T.17645Staffordshire
Pairing 26ENG Lewis, Andrew P.2275F6Essex A½½½½ENG LGM Halliwell, Toni23436Yorkshire A
Pairing 27ENG Hart, Terry20876Essex B0011ENG Soszynski, Marek J.21266Warwickshire A
Pairing 28ENG Young, Daniel2000P6Surrey A½½½½ENG Anderton, Doreen2000P6Staffordshire
Pairing 29ENG Grieve, Harry 2000P6Hampshire0E011EENG Pattrick, Graham21966Yorkshire B
Pairing 30ENG Lunn, Tim2000P6Suffolk½01½ENG Mansson, Ralph A.2000P6Sussex
Pairing 31ENG Fleury, Martin21637Essex B½½½½ENG Sutton, Alan B.22837Yorkshire A
Pairing 32ENG Doye, Peter C.23227Essex A1100ENG Stephens, Bob19007Suffolk
Pairing 33ENG Thompson, David F.2000P7Hampshire1100ENG Sharp, Joseph20937Sussex
Pairing 34ENG Lalic, Susan K.2000P7Surrey A½10½ENG Frith, Shane21797Yorkshire B
Pairing 35ENG Squires, Michael B.22177Warwickshire A1100ENG Burgoyne, Doug A.2000P7Staffordshire
Pairing 36ENG Carr, Trevor22748Essex B½10½ENG Sheerin, Alex2000P8Suffolk
Pairing 37ENG Cook, David D.22328Yorkshire A1100ENG Davies, Andrew P.2000P8Staffordshire
Pairing 38ENG Hart, J. S.2000P8Warwickshire A½01½ENG Milton, David H.21628Yorkshire B
Pairing 39ENG Cooper, N.2000P8Surrey A1½½0ENG Lefevre, Stephen D.20938Hampshire
Pairing 40ENG Piper, Matthew2000P8Essex A1½½0ENG Fryer, David W.20378Sussex

XE = exceeded time limit
XP = provisional

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 80

Welcome to the Counties & District CC Championships Division 1 (Ward-Higgs) 2015/16.
There are 10 teams, with 8 boards per team, organised into 40 matches on the server.
The Winner will be Champion CC County for 2015/16. The bottom two teams will be relegated to the Sinclair.

To view the team crosstable: from your game-board go to "Event", "Show Crosstable" then "Event", "Team crosstable". You can also view every single game in the tournament live, as it progresses!

If you are new to the Server, please note:-
To make a valid move, make a move on your board & press "submit". One final check of the resulting position and then press "Commit".
Although the clock won't begin counting down until the official start date, you can commence playing immediately
If you take longer than 15 days for any one move, your clock starts to move twice as fast (called "duplication"). Designed to prevent slow play.
You are not allowed to take longer than 40 days over any one move; if you do, you default the game even if you have time left on the clock. Also designed to prevent slow play.

This is a server event.
The start date was 10/22/2015.
The end date was 8/31/2016.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 30 days with doubling after 15 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
14 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the TD.
This tournament allows claims based on the six piece tablebase.
Team ties are broken by the Hutton tie breaking rule.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
This event is organized by Limbert, Neil.

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