GER/C35/final, 35. Deutsche Meisterschaft

TD Schmidt, Peter (Berlin)
1GER81295SIMMehlhorn, Wolfgang2392½½½½11½½11½½11½111.585.501
2GER85112 Schüppel, Ralf2487½½½½½½11½1½1½11111.584.502
3GER84050 Solzbacher, Karl2290½½0½½½½½½1½111½1107203
4GER89985SIMBellmann, Herbert2528½½1½½½½½1½1½½0½19.572.504
5GER85108 Hirr, Rudi2455½½½½½1½1½½½½½0119.571.7505
6GER87901IMLange, Lutz24730½½½½½½½½½½1½½1196406
7GER82036 Mehlhorn, Uwe26440½½½0½1½½½½½½111963.507
8GER85304 Thiering, Erwin2430½0½½½½0½½½1½11½1963.2508
9GER85314 Schwarzmeier, Josef2454½0½½0½½½½½1½½111962.509
10GER85034 Looschelders, Willi24580½½0½½½½½½½½1½½1856.75010
11GER89882 Schorra, Helmut2400000½½½½½½½½½1½½17.551011
12GER88773 Liedtke, Dirk2395½½½0½½½00½½½½½½1750.75012
13GER81014IMGrimm, Karl-Friedrich2285½00½½0½½½½½½½½½1749.25013
14GER82174IMRein, Günter von24640½0½½½½0½00½½½116.544.5014
15GER81455IMNyberg, Wilfred242100011½000½½½½½½16.544.25015
16GER84927 Lorenzmeier, Wilhelm2432½0½½000½0½½½½0½15.538016
17GER85131 Osbahr, Thomas2553000000000000000000017

Latest results from 2/24/2007 are displayed in red.

Not finished: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 136

This event is played by postal mail.
The start date was 11/25/2004.
There is no end date.
30 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the TD.
Ties are broken by the Sonneborn-Berger tie breaking rule.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the TD.
Where game scores are available:
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Henrich, Günter.

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