GB/WH2020, C & DCCC 2020 Division 1 - Ward-Higgs

TD Wood, Ben A. (IA)
Bd 1Bd 2Bd 3Bd 4Bd 5Bd 6Bd 7Bd 8TotalFGRGWins
1ENG Essex AAbbott, S.1½½½½½½11½½½111½111606
2WLS West Wales ADavies, Adam½½½½½½½01A1A½½11½A½9.51604
3ENG LancashireLockwood, Austin½½½½½½1½½½½½½½1½91602
4ENG Essex BDavenport, John½½½½110½½½½½½½A½½8.51602
5ENG Surrey AThurlow, Kevin J.½½0½½½11½½½0½½½½81602
6ENG Hertfordshire ARhodes, John D.½½½1½½½½½½½½00½071601
7WLS East Wales ASherwood, Helen½½½½½½½½½½½½00½½71600
7ENG Yorkshire ABeckett, Phillip J.½0½½½½½½½½½½0½½½71600
9ENG NottinghamshireMorgan, David Philip½½½½00000A0A½½½1½051601

1st playerBoardTeamWhiteBlackWhiteBlack2nd playerBoardTeam
Pairing 1ENG SIM Kitson, Keith23061Hertfordshire A½½½½ENG SIM Tait, Jonathan A.24231Nottinghamshire
Pairing 2ENG O'Connor, N. P.22261Essex B½½½½ENG CCM James, Angus23991Surrey A
Pairing 3WLS IM Balshaw, Anthony24621East Wales A½½½½WLS SIM Yeo, Gareth24791West Wales A
Pairing 4ENG GM Coleman, Peter L.26071Essex A1½½0ENG GM Brooks, Ian S.25141Yorkshire A
Pairing 5WLS IM Lockwood, Austin23951Lancashire½½½½ENG CCE Webster, Richard23292Nottinghamshire
Pairing 6ENG CCM McDermott, Frank J.23802Lancashire½½½½ENG IM Lumley, Bill F.24222Yorkshire A
Pairing 7ENG Williams, Stephen M.22782Essex A½½½½WLS CCM Evans, Craig23842West Wales A
Pairing 8ENG Piper, Matthew21272Essex B½½½½WLS CCM Adams, Mark23412East Wales A
Pairing 9ENG SIM Rhodes, John D.24022Hertfordshire A½10½BER Faulks, Nick23632Surrey A
Pairing 10ENG CCM Maguire, Gary23863Lancashire½½½½ENG CCM Carr, Trevor24103Essex A
Pairing 11WLS Varley, Peter23353East Wales A½½½½ENG LGM Halliwell, Toni24003Yorkshire A
Pairing 12WLS IM Jones, Ian23883West Wales A½½½½ENG Herman, Tom23303Surrey A
Pairing 13ENG Sargent, John M.21923Essex B1100ENG Scott, Simon2100P3Nottinghamshire
Pairing 14ENG CCM Rice, Peter23363Hertfordshire A½½½½ENG CCM Catt, Peter23954Yorkshire A
Pairing 15ENG Dixon, Danny23584Lancashire1½½0WLS CCM Sherwood, Russell23674West Wales A
Pairing 16ENG Brennan, Ross22404Hertfordshire A½½½½WLS CCM Keevil, Paul23164East Wales A
Pairing 17ENG Manley, Jonathan P.23674Essex A½10½ENG Kenworthy, Gary21234Essex B
Pairing 18ENG Thurlow, Kevin J.22604Surrey A1100ENG Combie, Alexander B.2100P4Nottinghamshire
Pairing 19ENG Birkbeck, Brian23345Lancashire½½½½WLS LGM Sherwood, Helen23325East Wales A
Pairing 20ENG Holland, Edward N.21905Hertfordshire A½½½½ENG Davenport, John2100P5Essex B
Pairing 21ENG CCM Mason, Ian J.22795Surrey A½½½½ENG LGM Williamson, Dawn L.23825Yorkshire A
Pairing 22WLS CCM Davies, Adam23255West Wales A1A1A0A0AENG Halfpenny, Glenn2100P5Nottinghamshire
Pairing 23ENG Lewis, Andrew P.23265Essex A1½½0ENG Lalic, Susan K.23226Surrey A
Pairing 24ENG CCE Reed, Arthur F.22376Hertfordshire A½½½½ENG Stebbings, Anthony J.22916Essex A
Pairing 25ENG Barker, Alan23026Lancashire½½½½ENG Hart, Terry21066Essex B
Pairing 26WLS Wakeham, Marc R.22096East Wales A½½½½ENG Williamson, Kevin J.2100P6Nottinghamshire
Pairing 27WLS CCE Scott, Paul23016West Wales A½½½½ENG IM Suto, Janos I.23606Yorkshire A
Pairing 28ENG Dyer, Michael T.20697Hertfordshire A0011WLS CCE Bishop, William23097West Wales A
Pairing 29ENG Fleury, Martin22427Essex A1100WLS Bailey, Stephen20127East Wales A
Pairing 30ENG SIM Vivante-Sowter, John22107Lancashire½½½½ENG Cooper, N.20777Surrey A
Pairing 31ENG Graham, Oliver22907Yorkshire A0½½1ENG Shaw, John S.21987Nottinghamshire
Pairing 32ENG Ruthen, Stephen W.19677Essex B½½A½A½WLS CCM Sinnett, Glyn22808West Wales A
Pairing 33BUL CCE Akrill, Richard20388Lancashire1½½0ENG Dunks, Peter19888Hertfordshire A
Pairing 34ENG Bowden, Karl23038Essex B½½½½ENG CCE Grobler, David J.22358Yorkshire A
Pairing 35WLS CCM Sherwood, Alexander23628East Wales A½½½½ENG Tillett, Richard22708Surrey A
Pairing 36ENG Vachtfeidl, Petr22368Essex A1½½0WLS Morgan, David Philip22298Nottinghamshire

XA = result by adjudication
XP = provisional

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 72

Welcome to the Counties & District CC Championships Division 1 (Ward-Higgs) 2020.
There are 9 teams, with 8 boards per team, organised into 36 matches on the server.
The Winner will be Champion CC County for 2018/19. The bottom two teams will be relegated to the Sinclair.

To view the team crosstable: from your game-board go to "Event", "Show Crosstable" then "Event", "Team crosstable". You can also view every single game in the tournament live, as it progresses!

If you are new to the Server, please note:-
To make a valid move, make a move on your board & press "submit". One final check of the resulting position and then press "Commit".
Although the clock won't begin counting down until the official start date, you can commence playing immediately
If you take longer than 15 days for any one move, your clock starts to move twice as fast (called "duplication"). Designed to prevent slow play.

This is a server event.
The start date was 1/31/2020.
The end date was 11/30/2020.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 30 days with doubling after 15 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
14 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Team ties are broken by the Hutton tie breaking rule.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
This event is organized by Grayland, Stan J..

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