ICCF70-CTpr s 1, 70th ICCF Jubilee World Cup (server) pr section 1

TD Fałatowicz, Piotr (IA)
RatedWhite gamesBlack gamesScoreBC2BC1BB2SWinsRGPlace
1SUI180321 Galerne, René20521½½111E½½½½11E949.55354965601
2AND830021CCMJosé Queraltó, Daniel2386½1½½11½½½½118.559.560.561937502
3GER83252IMArounopoulos, Stephan2303½½1111½½½½½18.55659.559.5943.5503
4NED371503 Vos, Peter de2122½½1111½½½½½½867.572.576.5871.5404
5PHI896098CCERamos, Francis A.2236½½½½11½½½½11866.571.572.5852.5405
6CFR140234CCEKhorunzhy, Mikhail Filippovich2264½½½½1E1½½1½½18666767.5907406
7ARG21387CCMIermito, Sebastián2431½½½½11½½½½11864.56869910.5407
8LTU920446CCEViskontas, Juozas2257½11½11½½½½½½8616569887408
9GER83088CCMPommrich, Rainer2356½½½½11½½½½11E860.564.565913409
10USA514948CCMRelyea, Alexander2289½½½½11½0½½117.5677172864.54010
11GER87108 Franck, Torsten2207P½½½½½½½½½1117.5676868885.53011
12GER85655CCMStolz, Stephan22961½½11E1½½0½½½7.564.568.569.58824012
13USA516628IMMarbourg, Denny2477½½½1½1½½½½½17.5646868.5878.53013
14GRE220338 Poulos, Georgios2207P½½½11½½½½½½1E7.5636768932.53014
15GER89236CCMPapenfuß, Ingo2447½½½½½1½½½½117.5626363898.53015
16CFR142224CCMDemchenko, Sergey Pavlovich2363½½½½½1½½½½½17727781844.52016
17CFR142307CCMKolpakov, Nikolay Anastasievich2413½½½½11½½½½½½77175768212017
18IND281147 Roy, Rabirashmi2188½½½½11½½½½½½770.574.578.5857.52018
19GER82798SIMBarten, Ralf2350½½½½½½½½½½1176973738662019
20ENG210854IMThompson, Brian2397½½½½½½½½½1½176872768492020
21HUN230665CCECsiba, Tibor2370½½½½1½½½½½½176772768602021
22BRA70267CCEBorges, João Luiz Montezuma2279½½½1½½½½½1½½76771.575862.52022
23POL420931CCMWłodarczyk, Robert2351½½½1½1½½½½½½76771758542023
24CFR141497CCMVolodarsky, Yury Aleksandrovich2376½½½½1½0½½½1176669.570.58503024
25NED371542 Scheijndel, Tobi van2207P½½½½11½½½½½½76467.568905.52025
26FRA181396 Dabert, Julien2174½½½1½1½½0½½1E761.56262931.53026
27SUI100269IMSalzmann, Stefan2344½½½½1½½½½½½1760.564.565.5913.52027
28POL421373CCMSazon, Adam2334½1½½½1½½½½½½76063.564.59262028
29CFR142676CCMPundak, Maksim Bogdanovich2359½½1½½½½½½½½½6.57782.587800.51029
30BRA70378CCETafner, Edson2227½½½½½1½½½½½½6.57276808341030
31GER81015SIMSchmidt, Theo2423½½½½½½½½½½1½6.569.574.578.58561031
32ENG210324SIMMukherjee, Ajoy K.2393½½½½½1½½½0½16.5697373910.52032
33CFR141107CCEPopov, Vladimir Valentinovich2270½0½½½1½½½½½16.568.572.572.58472033
34GER84961GMZautzig, Hubert2555½½½½½½½½½½½16.56872738631034
35GER87067 Mallmann, Bernd2017½½1½½½½½½½½½6.5677175852.51035
36GER240982CCECampani, Paolo2142½½½½½½½½½½½16.56265.566.5896.51036
37USA516552CCMBurmeister, Ferdinand2103½½½½½½½½½½1½6.561.565.569.58761037
38ESP160017IMLanz Calavia, José María2407½½½½½10½0½½167074.5758132038
39POL429136CCMSodomski, Andrzej2315½½½111E000½½½667.572.577839.53039
40LAT910161GMGaujens, Artis2276½½½½½½½½0½½½5.572.577.581.5770.50040
41GER82419CCMWassilieff, Hans-Dieter2310½½½0110½0½½½5.5727676.58452041
42POL421640 Dębowski, Stanisław22420½½1E1100½0½½5.561.562.562.5899.53042
43ITA249077 Petruzzelli, Raffaele19290½½0½10½½½½1E5.55959.559.59132043
44USA510462CCMLedford, Steven O.2311½½0½½½½½½½½057682.5887860044
45ITA241376CCECuccumini, Vittorio2000½½½½11000½½056872.576836.52045
46GER86927 Schleef, Harald20880½½½½½00½½½1567.571.572857.51046
47ESP161036 Benages Mabres, Valenti2072½½½½½100½0½½567.571.571.5874.51047
48POL420831 Kolanowski, Marek21440½½011E000½1½562.566.567.5874.53048
49ENG212975 Lockett, John1875½½½½½0E0E½0E0½1A4.559.563.567.5887.51049
50CFR149017 Lanin, Boris Aleksandrovich2109½½½½½½0000½½47985.589.57790050
51FRA180384 Aymard, Michel20300½½½½½0000½1472.57879825.51051
52JPN580154CCESaitou, Atsushi221600½½01½0½0½½472.577788171052
53USA514892 Blevins, Jimmie R.2207P0E½½½½½00E½½0E½471.576808210053
54USA518039 Asin Velazquez, Juandris2207P0½½½½½00½0½½466.570.5718380054
55GER82665 Ziegert, Andreas188900½½0A1E00½½½½46266678981055
56POR390161 Louro, Eugénio Diogo1841000½11000½1E0461.562.562.58743056
57USA515078 Chromczak, Thomas1964000½½10½0½½03.5717680787.51057
58BUL50327 Kaytazki, Lyubomir15480000E000E000E0E117579798061058
59CAN90675 Kitich, Zeljko2207P000001E000000163.567.568835.51059
60USA516489 Powe, Michael2207P0E0E00E0½000000E0.56872738140060
61BRA70127 Brião, Paulo Amílcar Goenez1721000000000000066.570.571.58060061

XA = result by adjudication
XE = exceeded time limit
XP = provisional
Latest results from 8/28/2022 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 366

Additional tie-breaking procedure:
If a tie persists after the standard tie-breaking procedures (Silli event: Buchholz cut 2, then Buchholz cut 1, then Buchholz, then Buchholz 2nd stage, and then number of wins), then the order is decided by the lower rating (fixed or unfixed) at the end of the tournament. If the tie still remains, the order is determined by the lower rating (fixed or unfixed) in previous ranting lists until broken. If players are still tied after all relevant tie-breaking procedures have been used, the players will be considered equal.

-The total prize fund for this event is 3,000 EUR (1,000 EUR preliminary stage and 2,000 EUR final stage).
-Prizes will be awarded to winners of the preliminary sections (such prizes, each to the value of approximately 100 EUR, will be in the form of vouchers, tie-break applies).
-In the final cash prizes of 1,000 EUR, 600 EUR, 300 EUR and 100 EUR will be awarded to the top 4 players. Tie-breaks will not be applied in respect of these cash prizes and instead those players scoring equal points will equally share any prize money due.
-Also, in the final occasional medals and certificates will be awarded to the top 3 players (tie-break applies).

-The number of promotions: 10 players from each preliminary section will qualify for the 70th ICCF Jubilee World Cup final (tie-break applies); no player will qualify for more than one place in the final.
-The following special qualification provisions can be achieved in the 70th ICCF Jubilee World Cup final (required result above 50%):
--the winner (tie-break applies) will gain the SIM title;
--the winner (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship final;
--players from places 2-3 (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship Candidates (upon payment of the entry fee);
--players from places 4-13 (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship semi-final (upon payment of the entry fee).

This is a server event.
The start date was 2/15/2021.
The end date was 8/15/2022.
ICCF standard time control of 30 days, followed by 1 moves in 3 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Ties are broken by Buchholz cut 2, then by Buchholz cut 1, then by Buchholz, then by Buchholz 2nd stage, and then by wins.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games live after 10 games are finished in the event. Live transmission is delayed by 5 moves.
The public can see the games live after 10 games are finished in the event. Live transmission is delayed by 5 moves.
This event is organized by Wojnar, Mariusz.

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