ICCF70-CTpr s 5, 70th ICCF Jubilee World Cup (server) pr section 5

TD Fałatowicz, Piotr (IA)
RatedWhite gamesBlack gamesScoreBC2BC1BB2SWinsRGPlace
1CZE131239IMCvak, Rudolf2394½½½111½½½111966.56767890.5601
2CFB750034CCEMatsukevich, Vladimir Vladimirovich2269½½1111½½½1½1E962.56667896.5602
3ROU440827CCMPloscaru, Stelian2335½½½111½½½½½1869.57376865403
4POL429151IMSzerlak, Andrzej2411½½½½½1½½½1118686970863.5404
5ROU440550GMVoiculescu, Costel2422½½½½½1½½11E½186568.569892.5405
6GER86273CCMKöstner, Wolfgang2367½½½11E1½½½½½186467.568.5901.5406
7CYP730015 Nikolaev, Denis2207P½½1½11½½½½½1863.564.565.5913.5407
8POL421428IMSzymański, Robert2363½½½½½1½½½1A11862.563.564916408
9ENG211994 Hollands, George 2117½½½111E½½½½½185861.562.5928409
10GER86009 Lüthi, Thomas2007½½1½½1½½½1½1857.558.559.59304010
11GER82299SIMSchwetlick, Thomas2441½½½½1½½½½½11E7.57477.581818.53011
12GER81380IMHamann, Henner2231½½½111½½½½½½7.569.570.571.5859.53012
13CFR141005IMMalyshev, Vladimir Pavlovich2274½½½½11E½½½½½17.569.570708543013
14USA517650 Roberts, Casey2207P½½½½11½½½½½17.56973.577871.53014
15GER81257CCMBröker, Clemens2340½½½½½1½½½½117.568.572738633015
16POL421179IMWoźnica, Mirosław2380½½½½11E½½½½½17.567.57172888.53016
17LAT910355CCMRimšāns, Andris2301½½½½½1½½½½117.565.569728463017
18RSA550262 Bester, Alan1988½½½1½1E½½½½½1E7.5656868.58683018
19ITA249181CCEMarcuzzo, Giorgio2227½½½½1½½½½½117.563.564.5659073019
20BRA71729 Mandaji, Marcelo2207P½½½½11½½½½½17.56364649253020
21CFR141348 Polishchuk, Aleksandr Feodosievich2309½½½½11½½½½½½77478788392021
22GER83088CCMPommrich, Rainer2356½½½1½1½½½½½½773.58084830.52022
23FRA181724 Boudey, Simon2148½½½½11½½½½½½771.575.576.5843.52023
24GER87043 Hinrichs, Heinz2170½½½½11E½½½½½½76871.575858.52024
25GER80184IMLöffler, Werner2412½½½½½½½½½½1176871.572.5885.52025
26FIN461061CCESundqvist, Christer2238½½½½½1½½½½½1E764.568718662026
27SUI100541CCMEgger, Reto2356½½½1½½½½0½1176467.567.59103027
28CFR141447SIMMorozov, Dmitry Viktorovich2491½½½½½1½½½½½1763.567.568.58792028
29USA516008CCMCordes, Tim2278½½½1½1½½½½½½760.563.564.59012029
30ENG210745SIMRawlings, Alan J. C.2321½½½½110½½½½1758.559.5609113030
31CFR142581SIMProzorovsky, Vyacheslav Grigorievich2464½½½½½½½½½½½16.573.579798481031
32ENG211621CCEHamilton, David2183½½½½½1½½½½½½6.571.576.576.58631032
33GER87034 Michalek, Christoph2211½½½½½1½½½½½½6.57176808441033
34CAN90325IMSharpe, Sam24050½½½½1½½½½½16.570.574.575.58792034
35GER81368IMVetter, Gerhard2294½½½½½1½½½½½½6.56974.575.58481035
36ROU440936 Agache, Gheorghe2207P½½½½½10½½½½16.5687171.58972036
37USA516552CCMBurmeister, Ferdinand2103½½½½01½½½½½16.56366.5708892037
38CFR141179 Trushnikov, Vyacheslav Evstafievich1847½½½½½10½½½½16.5636464887.52038
39CFR141760IMIlyasov, Anatoly Fedorovich2391½½½½½1½00½½1E67580.5847992039
40GER85543CCMRau, Manfred2345½½½½½1½0½½½½673.577.581805.51040
41POL421834CCEBysina, Janusz2195½½½½0½½0½½½15.5687272.58601041
42FRA181518CCMVasselon, Christian2286½½½½½½00½½½15.567.57172856.51042
43LAT910134 Koops, Maris19150½½½11000½½15.5677071856.53043
44ARG20192IMDeforel, Jorge Eduardo2327½½½½½10½½½0½5.565.569.570.5873.51044
45GER85124 Jügel, Marcel2024000½0½½½½½1157580.584.5804.52045
46AUS30503CCMGray, Garvin2373½½½½½½0½½½½057479828390046
47SUI85521CCMMilde, Lars2256½½½½½1½½00½0569.573738361047
48CFR141925CCMGlushenkov, Sergey Aleksandrovich 2314½½½½½½0½0½½½5687275.5856.50048
49BRA70113CCESilva, Marcus Antonio Rolim22580E½00½100E½½½14.573.578.579.5812.52049
50LTU920115 Ščiupokas, Arűnas21270A½½½1½00000147275.578.5841.52050
51GER86708 Thiel, Kay2037½0½011000½½0457.560.561.58962051
52USA514925 Rogers, Bradley20650½0½½10000½½3.57073.577809.51052
53ENG212357 Knapton, Geoff 2086½½0½½1000½003.569.57373848.51053
54FRA181213 Masset, Jacques210700001100E0E0½13.5686969.58593054
55POL421453 Belter, Edmund16120E0E0E½11A00E00013.56061618943055
56ITA241145 Senzacqua, Fabrizio1959000E01100E½0½036670708592056
57CAN90675 Kitich, Zeljko2207P00000100000017477.5788051057
58FIN460988 Varonen, Mauri187800000100000017275.576.5794.51058
59BRA70932 Azzi, Ricardo Gurgel1465000001E00000A01636464.5857.51059
60ITA242174 Battaglia, Gabriele2207P000E00000E½000E0.5707172819.50060
61USA517718 Julkowski, Timothy179600000000000006669.572.58430061

XA = result by adjudication
XE = exceeded time limit
XP = provisional
Latest results from 8/30/2022 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 366

Additional tie-breaking procedure:
If a tie persists after the standard tie-breaking procedures (Silli event: Buchholz cut 2, then Buchholz cut 1, then Buchholz, then Buchholz 2nd stage, and then number of wins), then the order is decided by the lower rating (fixed or unfixed) at the end of the tournament. If the tie still remains, the order is determined by the lower rating (fixed or unfixed) in previous ranting lists until broken. If players are still tied after all relevant tie-breaking procedures have been used, the players will be considered equal.

-The total prize fund for this event is 3,000 EUR (1,000 EUR preliminary stage and 2,000 EUR final stage).
-Prizes will be awarded to winners of the preliminary sections (such prizes, each to the value of approximately 100 EUR, will be in the form of vouchers, tie-break applies).
-In the final cash prizes of 1,000 EUR, 600 EUR, 300 EUR and 100 EUR will be awarded to the top 4 players. Tie-breaks will not be applied in respect of these cash prizes and instead those players scoring equal points will equally share any prize money due.
-Also, in the final occasional medals and certificates will be awarded to the top 3 players (tie-break applies).

-The number of promotions: 10 players from each preliminary section will qualify for the 70th ICCF Jubilee World Cup final (tie-break applies); no player will qualify for more than one place in the final.
-The following special qualification provisions can be achieved in the 70th ICCF Jubilee World Cup final (required result above 50%):
--the winner (tie-break applies) will gain the SIM title;
--the winner (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship final;
--players from places 2-3 (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship Candidates (upon payment of the entry fee);
--players from places 4-13 (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship semi-final (upon payment of the entry fee).

This is a server event.
The start date was 2/15/2021.
The end date was 8/15/2022.
ICCF standard time control of 30 days, followed by 1 moves in 3 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Ties are broken by Buchholz cut 2, then by Buchholz cut 1, then by Buchholz, then by Buchholz 2nd stage, and then by wins.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games live after 10 games are finished in the event. Live transmission is delayed by 5 moves.
The public can see the games live after 10 games are finished in the event. Live transmission is delayed by 5 moves.
This event is organized by Wojnar, Mariusz.

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