PER - USA 2021, Peru - USA friendly match 2021

TD Anderson, Aaron J.
Figlio, Gino Franco
Biedermann, Kyle
Board 1PER SIM Figlio, Gino Franco2471½½½½USA SIM Biedermann, Thomas2477
Board 2PER IM de la Rosa Solórzano, José Guillermo2423½½½½USA SIM Ingersol, Harry2432
Board 3PER CCM Cusicanqui, Marco2407½½½½USA IM Adams, John Dain2419
Board 4PER CCM Rivas Maceda, Juan2401½01½USA CCM Bonsack, Laurence2398
Board 5PER CCM Rivas Maceda, Juan2401½½½½USA CCE Deakin, Christopher2397
Board 6PER CCM Rivas Maceda, Juan2401½½½½USA CCM Brooks, Michael2375
Board 7PER CCM Rivas Maceda, Juan2401½½½½USA CCM Dessaules, Peter2373
Board 8PER IM Castro Salguero, Robert2373½½½½USA IM Schakel, Corky2371
Board 9PER CCM Rivas Maceda, Jorge2359½½½½USA CCM Korogodski, Leonid2363
Board 10PER CCM Rivas Maceda, Jorge2359½½½½USA O'Connell, C.2362
Board 11PER CCM Rivas Maceda, Jorge2359½½½½USA SIM Millstone, Michael2341
Board 12PER CCM Rivas Maceda, Jorge2359½½½½USA CCM Merrell, William S.2332
Board 13PER SIM Solari, Aldo2353½½½½USA CCM Ledford, Steven O.2331
Board 14PER CCM Echenique Hilario, Miguel2322½½½½USA CCM Gates, Joseph2304
Board 15PER CCM Wong, Victor2263½½½½USA CCM Perry, William E.2290
Board 16PER CCM Wong, Victor2263½½½½USA IM Eckert, Douglas D.2281
Board 17PER CCM Wong, Victor2263½½½½USA CCM Moujan, Pablo2270
Board 18PER CCM Wong, Victor2263½½½½USA CCE Deskin, Gary2267
Board 19PER CCM Ojeda, José Luis2257½½½½USA CCE Deskin, Gary2267
Board 20PER CCE Benites Rivas, Luis2239½10½USA CCM Ellis, James R.2264
Board 21PER CCE Benites Rivas, Luis2239½½½½USA CCM Burmeister, Ferdinand2250
Board 22PER CCE Benites Rivas, Luis22391100USA CCE Price, Brennan2231
Board 23PER CCE Benites Rivas, Luis22391½½0USA McCartney, Patrick J.2220
Board 24PER Balcazar Novoa, Luis Marcos2184½10½USA CCE Bhattacharjea, Rajib2196
Board 25PER Marrero Espinosa, Guzmán S.2181½½½½USA Anderson, Clarence2180
Board 26PER Malasquez, Juan2177½½½½USA White, David V.2165
Board 27PER Lacunza, Mario2090½½½½USA Rossbottom, Tom2114
Board 28PER Lacunza, Mario2090½½½½USA Lipsits, Sasha2093
Board 29PER Lacunza, Mario2090½½½½USA Dudley, Michael2090
Board 30PER Lacunza, Mario20901½½0USA Cross, Gregory W.2071
Board 31PER Mispireta Mercado, Carlos Alfredo1959½½½½USA Smith, Allyne1980
Board 32PER Mispireta Mercado, Carlos Alfredo19591100USA Ronderos, L. Nicolas1955
Board 33PER Mispireta Mercado, Carlos Alfredo19591½½0USA Huff, David C.1947
Board 34PER Mispireta Mercado, Carlos Alfredo195910E1E0USA Aiken, Richard1924
Board 35PER Córdova Reto, Edwin Leonel1800P0E0E1E1EUSA Pfefferkorn, James1800P
Board 36PER Córdova Reto, Edwin Leonel1800P0E0E1E1EUSA Davis, Roddye1800P
Board 37PER Córdova Reto, Edwin Leonel1800P10E1E0USA Sanchez, David A.1800P
Board 38PER Córdova Reto, Edwin Leonel1800P00E1E1USA Schroeer, Egbert1800P
Board 39PER Gonzales, Aldo15130011USA Grinsteinner, Raymond1548
Board 40PER Gonzales, Aldo15131100USA Towery, Bryan1530
Board 41PER Gonzales, Aldo15131010USA Cadarett, Joseph1468
Board 42PER Gonzales, Aldo15130011USA Messinger, Bruce1440



XE = exceeded time limit
XP = provisional

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 84

This is a server event.
The start date was 6/4/2021.
The end date was 10/17/2022.
Triple Block system for a 500 day event, with 50 days initial bank and 3 days increment for the first 50 moves is used.
If a player's clock reaches zero, the player will automatically be scored with a loss (even if the bank and/or the increment are > 0). Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
Players cannot stop their clocks to take leave.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
This event is organized by Doren, Dennis M..

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