11th Ladies World Correspondence Chess Championship
Saturday, August 26, 2017: Final

Gian-Maria Tani
Title Tournaments Commissioner
E-mail: ttc@iccf.com
On behalf of the ICCF, I’m pleased to announce the 11th Ladies World Correspondence Chess Championship Final.
The start date of the Final will be December 20, 2017, at the same time of the Semifinals of the 12th Ladies WCCC.
All entries will be accepted according with ICCF Tournament Rules valid as from April 1, 2017, to be received not later than November 1, 2017.
According to Rule 1.6.2 of the ICCF Tournament Rules, the following lady players are entitled to enter the Final:
(a) the top three finishers from Final 10,
(b) the four best placed players in each Semi-Final 11 (as stated in the announcement of LWC11 SF).
If several players with the right to take part decline the opportunity to play, the ICCF Title Tournaments Commissioner may admit the next qualified players from the previous Final or Semi-Final with the following priority order: the 4th placed player from Final 10, the 5th placed players from SF 11, the 5th placed player from Final 10, the 6th placed players from SF 11, and so on).
The Executive Board also has the right to grant up two free places on the basis of extraordinary international performance.
The tournament will be played on ICCF webserver, with at least 11 players.
All entries must include the following: name of the player, ICCF ID number, email address, country code.
It is also mandatory that the qualification right under Tournament Rules 1.6.2 should be specified for each entry.
Any questions and/or requests for clarification should be directed to the ICCF Title Tournaments Commissioner, Gian-Maria Tani ttc@iccf.com.
Torino, August 25, 2017

Appendix. Section 1.6 of the Tournament Rules
1.6 Final of the Ladies World Correspondence Chess World Championship
1.6.1 The Final will have at least 11 players.
1.6.2 The following will be entitled to enter the Final:
(a) the top three finishers from the previous Final,
(b) the winners and runners-up in each Semi-Final section
1.6.3 If several players with the right to take part decline the opportunity to play, the ICCF Title Tournaments Commissioner may admit the next qualified players from the previous Final or Semi-Final. The Executive Board also has the right to grant up two free places on the basis of extraordinary international performance.