20th Africa Asia Zone Championship Preliminaries

Wednesday, November 1, 2017: Announcement

The 20th Africa Asia Zone Individual Championship Preliminaries will commence on 31 January 2018.


Closing date for entries is 31 December 2017. 


Organiser is Brian Jones (Australia). Eligible players from Zone 4 (Africa, Asia, Australia) can enter by sending an email with ICCF ID number and name to Brian at brianjoneschess@outlook.com


Preliminary sections will be 7 players, 6 games, planned start date: 31/01/2018


Time control: ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with duplication after 20 days


Qualification requirements: Reserved to players from Zone 4 Africa, Asia, Australia

Players may enter one section or two (if requested)


Players with ICCF ratings 2250 and above may apply to be seeded direct to the semi-finals


No entry fees are payable for this Zonal but this may change in future years

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