1st EU Senior Cup

Tuesday, June 8, 2021: has commenced

I am glad we have a very good start with a new event – EU Senior Cup – which is likely to be a regular tournament.

The first edition of the Cup attracted 360 players from 32 EU National Federations. 3 GM, 18 SIM, 60 IM, 89 CCM and 60 CCE, in total 230 titled players. Those players who have no ICCF title yet, have an opportunity to achieve a norm at each stage.

The winner and the runner-up from each preliminary section will be promoted to the Semifinals.

4 TDs direct 10 groups each. Thanks to Emmanuel Quanzaah, Karsten Kjeldsen, Jens Rach and Yuri Tyulenko.

Andrey Pavlikov, TO, Zonal Director


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