35 Aniversario de la FECAP International Open Tournament

Sunday, June 9, 2024: - announcement

The Cuban Correspondence Chess Federation (FECAP) is pleased to announce the International Open Tournament on the occasion of its 35th anniversary. We cordially invite correspondence chess players from all countries to participate in this tournament.

The tournament consisting of 3 sections will be played in one phase, using the ICCF 2024/3 rating list:

  • Section A for players with a rating of 2300 or higher
  • Section B for players with a rating between 2000 - 2299
  • Section C for players with a rating of 1999 or lower


The tournament will be played on the ICCF server with triple block time control: tournament duration of 350 days (50 days initial clock, 75 days initial bank, 1 day increment for the first 50 moves).

The tournament will be rated and valid for obtaining norms for ICCF titles in groups meeting all conditions required by the ICCF.

Registered players grouped by rating will be placed in groups of 11, 13 or 15 players in rating order so that all group members have a similar rating. The number of groups will depend on the number of registrations. A maximum of 2 registrations will be allowed, with the second registration the player will be assigned to the group following the first group.

The tournament start date is September 30, 2024.



Registration and payment of the entry fee for the 35th Aniversario de la FECAP International Open Tournament must be done via the DE system on the ICCF server by opening the Cuba menu in New Events.

The entry fee is 9 €.

Registrations must be received no later than September 10, 2024.

Registration for:


List of registered players:



In this tournament, certificates will be awarded to the top 3 players in each group.

The tie-breaking system will be as follows:

  1. Baumbach,
  2. Sonnenborn-Berger,
  3. the results of the players tied with each other and
  4. the lowest rating at the start of the tournament.


Amici Sumus,


Giraldo Menéndez Rodríguez

FECAP President & ICCF Delegate for Cuba

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