José Daniel Finkelstein Memorial Team Tournament

Wednesday, March 5, 2025: for players rated <2300

ICCF is glad to announce the VIII ICCF Team Tournament for players rated <2300 – here in memoriam José Daniel Finkelstein.


All ICCF member federations (that are not currently suspended) are invited to enter their teams to this event, which will be played on the ICCF webserver on two rounds: semi-final and final.


The first three teams in the final will receive medals.


Each federation may enter two teams.

All players on the team must be rated <2300 on the ICCF rating list 2025/2 or on the current FIDE list. In addition, all players must be full members of the federation they represent or be registered on the ICCF server for the country of the federation they represent for the duration of the tournament.


The preliminaries will start on July 1st, 2025.


There will be 6 players in each team. A maximum of 3 players may be replaced during the tournament.


Further tie-breaking procedures:

  • Semifinal: after standard tie-breaks in ICCF rules, the team with the highest average rating on the commencement of play;
  • Final: after standard tie-breaks in ICCF rules, the team with the lowest average rating on the commencement of play.


The right to be promoted from the semifinal shall be determined by the ICCF Non-Title Tournaments Commissioner and approved by the Executive Board at the start of the tournament. The intention will be for a 13 Team final.


The entry fee will be at the rate of € 4 per player, i.e. € 24 per team. There will be no further entry fee for the final.


Time control will be Triple Block (Duration of Tournament: 700 days; Initial Clock: 50 days; Initial Bank: 50 days; Increment: 5 days).


Please note – without guaranteed time in the semi-final and in the final with guaranteed time.


Team entries have to be sent by the national federations to the Non-Title Tournament Commissioner Giorgio Ruggeri Laderchi (nttc.iccf@gmail.com) not later than June 10th, 2025.

No replacement or board change will be allowed after that date, unless exceptional circumstances occur.


All entries should include the following details:

  • board order
  • name and ICCF code of the players 
  • name, ICCF code and e-mail address of the Team Captain


Amici Sumus
Giorgio Ruggeri Laderchi


José Daniel Finkelstein (05.02.1949 – 07.06.2022)

He learned about postal chess in LADAC (Argentina National League) and never left it, until the end of his life.

As a player, he achieved the titles of National Master in 1995 and International Master in 1998.

His most important work was as Arbiter of numerous tournaments, both national and international, being Captain of the Argentine Olympic Team on one occasion, and working on the LADAC Board for many years, as General Tournament Director first and as Vice President later.

In ICCF he was the TTC in the first years of the webserver.

He obtained the titles of National Arbiter in 1990 and ICCF International Arbiter in 1996, achieving his highest distinction when ICCF awarded him the Bertl von Massow Silver Medal (in 2005) for his leadership work over so many years.

A cruel disease (diabetes) attacked his body in his last years, until he left us on June 7, 2022, at the age of 73.

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