International Open XV Jubilee AEAC
Thursday, March 24, 2016: Tournament Announcement
The Spanish Correspondence Chess Association
Is proud to announce
The International Open Tournament XV Jubilee AEAC
The tournament will be played by server and will be organized in three stages. The sections of the preliminary round will have 9/11 players (8 or 10 games per player), depending from the number of the entries. Winners and possibly runner-ups (depending from the numbers of participants) qualified for the next round.
Time control will be 10 moves for 40 days in Preliminary and Semifinal stages, and 10 moves for 50 days in the Final.
There is no special leave in this event.
This tournament allows claims based on the six piece tablebase. Ties are broken by the Baumbach tie breaking rule.
Players may enter in the usual way through their National Federations. They may also follow this link to inform their national delegate of their intention to play the event.
Entries via National Federations should contain player’s name, e-mail address and ICCF ID
A player can apply for more than one preliminary group.
Allocation of players to their sections will be made as random as possible; however, geographical distribution as well as an achievement of reasonable equality of the average rating will be taken into account.
The entry fee will be 5.-€ for each group to enroll. However the Spanish federation is pleased to invite 10 players to play free of charge from your country.
Tournament Organization
The tournament will start on July 30th 2016.
Registration will begin on March 15th 2016 and will close on June 15th 2016 to allow for pairings.
All preliminary groups will finish at the latest March 30th 2018 (20 months).
Any unfinished games that will decide promotional positions in the group will be adjudicated. The players involved will send the record of the game (with the required result –win or draw–) and an analysis to their TD for adjudication no later than April 10th 2018.
The adjudication will be organized in such a way that all qualified players will be known by April 30th 2018.
The second stage is expected to start on July 30th 2018 at the latest.
Prize 1000 € in the final stage. (1º - 400.-€, 2º - 250.-€, 3º - 150.-€, 4º - 125.-€ and 5º - 75.-€)
The first player of each preliminary section will qualify for the next round, and possibly runner-ups.
Although the number of preliminary groups which each player may enter is unlimited, no player will qualify for more than two semifinal groups or more than one place in the final.
Players with above 2300 elo can register directly in the semifinal phase. The entry fee (for this modality and if not achieved the classification in the preliminary phase) will be 10.-€ (each group).
Member Federations are asked to give the tournament wide publicity to all their players.
We wish all participants many interesting games and new connections with CC friends in other countries, based on the spirit of friendship and the ICCF motto AMICI SUMUS.