Rating Forecast temporarily disabled
Saturday, November 26, 2016: The ICCF Rating Forecast has been temporarily disabled
Dear friends,
New ratings procedures were agreed by delegates at the recent ICCF Congress in Bremen, Germany; these procedures will be applied to all rated games completed on or after 1st December 2016.
Unfortunately the ICCF Rating Forecast feature has not yet been updated to account for the new procedures, so we have taken the difficult decision to temporarily disable this server feature, as the predicted ratings would be inaccurate.
We appreciate how useful and informative players and tournament organisers find the forecasts, and we can only offer our apologies for this inconvenience. I assure you that we will restore the Rating Forecast button as soon as we are able to update it with the new formulae.
If you would like further information about these changes, or about any other of the decisions taken at Congress, please contact your national federation delegate.
Best wishes,
Austin Lockwood, ICCF Services Director