ICCF Ratings

Rating list     
PlaceICCF IDCountryTitleNameGamesRatingRD

1 143154 BUL GM Semenikov, Dmitry Aleksandrovich159 2564 74
2 50173 BUL GM Iotov, Valentin Dimitrov768 2542 80
3 50255 BUL GM Vinchev, Simeon874 2523 84
4 50286 BUL IM Tashkov, Rumen159 2521 102
5 50453 BUL SIM Stoyanov, Zlatin555 2513 91
6 50616 BUL IM Todorov, Dimitar301 2490 76
7 480232 BUL GM Pirš, Matjaž1357 2478 61
8 86833 BUL IM Heini, Hans67 2460 106
9 50479 BUL IM Petrov, Milen433 2452 95
10 50648 BUL Alexiev, Krasimir91 2451 83
11 50258 BUL SIM Bochev, Krasimir831 2447 83
12 50654 BUL IM Dimitrov, George533 2442 56
13 50593 BUL IM Petkov, Stamat240 2441 90
14 50579 BUL IM Dimitrov, Marin195 2437 115
15 50144 BUL CCM Davidov, Deian Nikolov1156 2435 57
16 50603 BUL IM Malchev, Emil256 2435 81
17 50214 BUL IM Kirkov, Toshko Dimitrov1752 2434 57
18 50332 BUL LGM Bocheva, Margarita329 2430 90
19 50548 BUL CCM Dimitrov, Danail 814 2415 59
20 50235 BUL IM Parushev, Alexandar Miroslavov1743 2410 56
21 50285 BUL CCM Stefanov, Plamen665 2409 78
22 81810 BUL IM Hoffmann, Frank996 2406 88
23 50177 BUL IM Tsenkov, Ljubomir690 2402 59
24 50451 BUL IM Davidov, Alexandar894 2394 80
25 50645 BUL CCE Gavrilov, Ivaylo366 2379 83


52 players in the list
Ratinglist valid from 1/1/2025 to 3/31/2025.

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