ARG Argentina


Argentina national events

Juan Alberto Martello

Juan Alberto Martello

Juan Alberto Martello

Other Contact Juan Alberto Martello

Article provided by: Juan Carlos Pérez Rodríguez and Héctor Ricardo Zabala, updated by Carlos Cranbourne

More than 50 years of Correspondence Chess History in Argentina LADAC was not only the first institution organically dedicated to CC in Latin America, but also – by far – the one which possesses the most important record of all the region and the one which had the most players. Thus, the Nº 3669 (last number of LADAC associate at April 2002) is in reality a misleading number since we would need to add to this number several hundred associates that already had CC activity, or who had expired by the 1960s, by which time LADAC renumbered the list of associates. Additionally, many players can play several tournaments without being LADAC associates. LADAC is in this sense a real national entity, for all chess players resident in our country or Argentine players outside Argentina.

Before the creation of Confede-ración Americana de Ajedrez Postal (CADAP, American Correspondence Chess Confederation, now ICCF Zone 2, of which LADAC was a founding member) several players residing in other Latin American countries were LADAC associates. Still today, LADAC has some foreign associates, though this is limited to neighbouring countries, to avoid overlapping with other CADAP countries.

Born in 1945, with the name of Torneos de Ajedrez por Correspondencia (TAC, CC Tournaments) initiated by the legendary Arturo Jorge Loeffler, early associatges were Eugenio Germán Píder, Antonio J. Roura, Carlos Máximo Portela and several other idealist chess players. Very soon (in 1948) the organisation took the current name (LADAC), adopted its own Statutes and reached an acceptable institutional level. Then, LADAC continued progressing, in spite of some divisions and sad events. The most important of which took place in 1988, when the local CC community was divided between LADAC and the newly born Círculo de Ajedrecistas Postales Argentinos (CAPA, meaning Argentine Correspondence Chess players’ Circle). Remarkably, the division provoked an increase in the quantity and quality of CC events, albeit that the relationship between the two factions was disliked by the great majority of chess players. Currently there are negotiations underway to try to achieve much-desired unification of Argentine CC.

LADAC publishes a magazine as its own official journalistic organ, which has been in existence for over 50 years. Since 1999 it has begun to publish on the Internet, in addition to the traditional way.

This publication was only interrupted for two years, though in replacement were edited several information bulletins. Many people have been editors, artists, or held other posts for the magazine during these 50 years: Antonio J. Roura, Antonio Mario Broguin, Zoilo Rudecindo Caputto, Benjamin José Vázquez, Moisés Studenetzky, Mario Manuel Anaya, Emir Jorge Orive, José Antonio González, Hércules B. Pampín, Oscar Alberto Palmiero, Alejandro Jorge Rebagliati, Daniel Ricardo Pizá, Juan Cendak (h), José Daniel Finkelstein, Héctor Ricardo Zabala, Omar Estrada, Alfredo José Mozzino, Claudio Javier Gonçalves, Jorge L. Rodríguez, and others.

LADAC is proud to have organised 18 Argentine Individual Championships, 7 Team Tournaments (CAAPE), 2 Regional Team Tournaments (CANAR-PE), 2 CANARs, 3 Youth, 3 Ladies, 4 Seniors, 7 Extraordinary Tournaments, etc., and many internal tournaments. LADAC has also organized 14 International GM or IM tournaments (2 with CAPA and 1 with CADAP) and many international matches. LADAC has represented Argentina in numerous international matches and in the CC Olympiads (ICCF), in the Pan-Americans (CADAP) and in the Coppa Latina (ICCF), having achieved several titles for the national team and various distinctions on the part of its associates.

CAPA also contributed to the CC activity in the form of 9 Grand Master tournaments, 8 International Master Tournaments, one Team Tournament (the AFROATIN Cup, jointly organised with the Algerian Federation CNEC), and the match Russia – Rest of the World, in 20 boards.

Several LADAC associates were (or are) recognized Masters of OTB chess, such as the late Miguel Najdorf (honorary), Jorge Pelikan, Luis Argentino Palau, Luciano W. Cámara (honorary), Bernardo Wexler, Isaías Pleci, Alberto Foguelman, etc. Several LADAC associates had (or have) important functions in ICCF and CADAP. Also, LADAC organised in 1997 the ICCF Congress in Buenos Aires, during the presidency of Dr. Claudio Javier Gonçalves. As CADAP vice-president, he also promoted several CADAP Assemblies.

Of course, Argentina continues to have the greater number of CC Grandmasters, CC Senior International Masters, CC International Masters, CC International Arbiters, Latin American CC Champions, CC Latin American Masters, Panamerican CC Championship (by teams) and CC Olympic medals of the Latin American countries.

For years, LADAC has promoted the constitution of the regional associations in Argentina, whose main functions are to organise regional or provincial championships, inter-regional events, etc.

Below we offer a summary of the principal tournaments organized by LADAC through its large history. We did not include the thousands of internal category and thematic tournaments.

LADAC Presidents

  • Loeffler, Arturo Jorge (1945-47);
  • Portela, Carlos Máximo (1948-56) †;
  • Roura, Antonio J. (1956-59) †;
  • Loeffler, Arturo Jorge (1960-62);
  • Píder, Eugenio Germán (1963-66) †;
  • Palau, Luis Argentino (1967-69) †;
  • Broguín, Antonio Mario (1970-71) †;
  • Canale, Jorge Juan (1971-77) †;
  • Pampín, Hércules B. (1977-80) †;
  • González, Benito Ezequiel (1981) †;
  • Pampín, Hércules B. (1982-83) †;
  • Gorosito, Ricardo Ismael (1984-86);
  • Lascurain, Antonio Gerardo(1987-88) †;
  • Deforel, Jorge Eduardo (1989-90);
  • Ramírez, Abraham Raúl (1991-92);
  • Gonçalves, Claudio Javier (1993-98);
  • Ramírez, Abraham Raúl (1998-99);
  • Zabala, Héctor Ricardo (1999-2000);
  • Tepper, Héctor Raúl (2000-2004);
  • Cranbourne, Carlos (2004-2006);
  • Deforel, Jorge Eduardo (2006-onwards).

ICCF Honorary Members

  • Carlos Germán
  • Dieta, A. Raúl Ramírez.

LADAC Honorary Members

  • Arturo J. Loeffler,
  • Henk J. Mostert (ICCF President),
  • Luciano W. Cámara,
  • Miguel Najdorf

ICCF Presidium/Executive Board members

  • Vicepresidents: Arturo J.Loeffler (1960-69), Carlos G. Dieta (1976-91), Antonio G. Lascurain (1992-93);
  • Zone 2 Latin America Director: Carlos Cranbourne (1998-onwards);
  • Marketing Director: Pedro F. Hegoburu (1999-2003);
  • Membership and Services Director: Pedro F. Hegoburu (2003-2007);
  • General Secretary: Pedro F. Hegoburu (2007-2009).

CADAP Presidents

  • Claudino Bianchi (1967-68),
  • Carlos G. Dieta (1987-89),
  • Juan C. Pregal (1989-90),
  • Carlos Cranbourne (1998-onwards).

Main international CC winners

  • “I Americas” (CADAP): Juan S. Morgado (shared),
  • “XXXIV LADAC Anniversary” (CADAP): Carlos A. Rinaldi,
  • “Eduardo B. Secchi Vigneau memorial” (CADAP): Rodolfo A. Redolfi,
  • “Gustavo Bartís memorial” (CADAP): Guillermo J. Cánova,
  • “XV LIPEAP Anniversary” (CADAP): Rodolfo A. Redolfi,
  • “Cristobal Colon Cup” (CADAP): A. Raúl Ramírez,
  • “Arturo Jorge Loeffler memorial” (LADAC): Ángel H. Bericat.

Argentine individual championship

  • I – Final (01.10.1955-31.03.1957): at 2 games. 1º Jorge Pelikan (3 pts.).
  • II – Final (01.11.1953-31.03.1955): 8 players. 1º Eduardo B. Secchi Vigneau (6½).
  • III – Final (01.10.1963-31.12.1966): 13 players. 1º Bartolomé J. Marcussi (10½).
  • IV – Final (15.03.1968-31.12.1970): 15 players. 1º Miguel A. Rivas (10½).
  • V – Final (01.08.1972-10.08.1974): 11 players. 1º Alejandro Arregui (8½).
  • VI – Final “Daniel H. Girardi memorial” (30.10.1976-31.07.1978): 13 players. 1º Enrique J. Arguiñariz (10).
  • VII – Final (31.10.1978-30.06.1980): 13 players. 1º Manuel M. Pereyra Puebla (9½).
  • VIII – Final (01.11.1980-01.07.1982): 15 players. 1º Anselmo R. Badenes (11½).
  • IX – Final (01.11.1982-30.06.1984): 12 players. 1º Carlos A. Rinaldi (9).
  • X – Final (03.09.1984-31.05.1986): 12 players. 1º Carlos A. Rinaldi (9).
  • XI “Urbano Vicondo memorial” – Final (01.12.1987-30.06.1989): 14 players. 1º Pedro A. Lopepé (10).
  • XII “Eduardo B. Secchi Vigneau memorial” – Final (08.08.1988-31.12.1990): 11 players. 1º Carlos A. Sella (7).
  • XIII “Humberto Tenivella memorial” – Final (01.07.1991-28.02.1996): 17 players. 1º Alberto L. Maltz (14½).
  • XIV “Horacio Huguet memorial” – Final (21.11.1994-31.12.1998): 13 players. 1º Raúl O. Grosso (9½).
  • XV “Ezio Cembrán memorial” – Final (21.07.1997-2000): 13 players. 1º Rubén Berdichesky (10).
  • XVI “Antonio G. Lascurain memorial” – Final (04.10.2000-04.10.2002): 17 players. 1º G. Etchechoury (12.5).
  • XVII “Rogelio C.Linskens memorial” – Final (): 17 players. 1º= C. Rinald & H. Córdoba (12.5).
  • XVIII “Néster A. Ardusso memorial” – Final (2005-2008): 17 players. 1º S. Diaz (11.5).
  • XIX – Final (2006-2009): 17 players. 1º R.J. Jacquin (13).
  • XX – Final (2007-2009): 17 players. 1º E. Saglione (14).
  • XXI – Final (2008-2011): 17 players. 1º S. Diaz (12).
  • XXII – Final (2009-2011): 17 players. E. Saglione (12.5).
  • XXIII – Final (2010-?): 17 players. In progress.
  • XXIV – Final (???-???): 17 players. In progress.

Extraordinary CC tournaments

  • I “Carlos Máximo Portela memorial” – First Elimination (1/4/1955 – 30/6/56): 168 players. Second Elimination (1/9/1956 – 31/12/57): 56 players. Third Elimination (25/3/1958 – 30/6/59): 21 players. Final (1/10/1959 – 31/3/61): 11 players. 1º Eduardo B. Secchi Vigneau (8½).
  • II “XX LADAC Anniversary – Dr. Antonio J. Roura memorial” – Preliminary (15/2/1966 – 31/3/68): 98 players. Final (1/6/1969 – 30/5/1/73): 21 players. 1º Raimundo Carballo (17½).
  • III “XXV LADAC Silver Anniversary” – Preliminary (1/8/1970 – 31/10/72): 95 players. Final (30/4/1973 – 77): 12 players. 1º Gaspar J. Perrone (10).
  • IV “Arnoldo Ellerman memorial” – Semi-final (1/6/1977 – 31/3/79): 143 players. Final (28/5/1979 – 20/5/81): 23 players. 1º Carlos A. Rinaldi (18).
  • V “FIDE Olympiad ‘78” – Semi-final (10/3/1979 – 15/11/80): 142 players. Final (5/12/1980 – 5/6/82): 20 players. 1º Carlos A. Rinaldi (18).
  • VI “Eugenio G. Píder memorial” – Preliminary (20/4/1982 – 15/2/84): 112 players. Final (1/8/1984 – 30/8/86): 15 players. 1º Enrique A. Cella (12½).
  • VII “Arturo J. Loeffler” – One stage (1/10/1985 – 1/10/87): 132 players, everybody played 20 games in 2 different groups. To the points were added 11 points by first place in his group, 10 by was second, etc. (Spanish Square System). 1º Alfredo J. Mozzino (41).

Argentine Master CC tournaments

  • I “Jorge (Jiri) Pelikan memorial” (16/5/1983 – 16/1/85) – 11 players. 1º Jorge E. Clarizza (8½).
  • II “Eduardo B. Secchi Vigneau memorial” (20/1/1992 – 20/1/95) – 11 players. 1º Rubén Berdichesky (9½).
  • III “Bartolomé J. Marcussi memorial” (1/3/1994-1/9/96) – 11 players. 1º Rubén Berdichesky (8).
  • IV “Dr. Miguel A. Rivas memorial” (3/8/1999 – 29/8/01) – 11 players.

Argentine Ladies CC championship

  • I “María Berea de Benkö” (1983-85) – 10 ladies. 1º Liliana S. Fredes de Locio (9).
  • II – Preliminary (1/2/1995-1/2/97): 20 ladies. Final (1/7/1997-1/1/00): 7 players, two games. 1º Liliana S. Fredes de Locio (11).
  • III (2/2/1998-) – 11 ladies – in progress.


3 LADAC-Argentina Presidents pictured at the "Club Argentino de Ajedrez" on 18.12.2011. From left to right: Dr. Jorge Eduardo Deforel, Carlos Leon Cranbourne, Dr. Claudio Javier Gonçalves

3 LADAC-Argentina Presidents pictured at the "Club Argentino de Ajedrez" on 18.12.2011. From left to right: Dr. Jorge Eduardo Deforel, Carlos Leon Cranbourne, Dr. Claudio Javier Gonçalves

Top Players
PlaceICCF IDTitleNameRatingRD

1 20531 GM Cornejo, Wálter2559102
2 20714 GM Benz, Germán Fabián253477
3 20915 SIM Pappier, Carlos G.253093
4 21322 IM Vieites, Carlos251468
5 20596 IM Bonatti, Wálter Fabián2487105
6 20821 CCM Fernández, Javier Horacio247288
7 20709 IM Domancich, Ezequiel Martín246689
8 20564 IM Leal, Domingo Daniel245777
9 20584 SIM Hegoburu, Pedro Federico2450108
10 20472 IM Colombo Berra, Fernando243765

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