WLS/SRCCC/24/D1 Board 1, States and Regions CCC 2024 Division One Board 1

TD Wakeham, Marc R. (IA)
Category 8123456789101112131415GMSIMIMScoreWinsSBRGPlace
1ENG213011CCMBailey, Matthew W.2416(68)ENG Westhoughton Schemers½½½½½½½½½½....85017.541
2UKR941140IMKhanas, Valeriy2450(58)UKR Western Ukraine½½½½½½½½½½....85017.541
3BUL50177IMTsenkov, Ljubomir2398(65)BUL Lokomotiv Mezdra½½½½0½½½½½½...8501633
4SUI86779IMWölfelschneider, Peter2460(70)GER Pawn Sacrifice½½½½½½½½......8401664
5MEX340384IMSauceda Salazar, Eduardo2456(67)MEX Red Sharks Veracruz½½½½½½½.½.....84015.7565
6WLS810209SIMYeo, Gareth2472(100)WLS Cardiff½½1½½......½..83.5114.2586
7CZE130903IMKolařík, Josef2437(70)CZE Bohemia½½½½½..½½.....83.5014.2577
8WLS810202IMSherwood, Helen2449(66)WLS Valleys Fire½½½½½..½......8301388
9UKR941125CCMRets, Yriy2422(68)UKR Southern Ukraine½½½½..½½......83012.7589
10CZE131246LGMValinová, Jana2426(89)CZE Prague Crowd½½½.½.½.......82.5011.25910
11UKR940191IMAnokhin, Yury2494(72)UKR Donbas½½½...........81.507.51111
12ARG21322IMVieites, Carlos2514(68)ARG Rey Gris..½...........80.502.51312
13BRA70980CCMD'Oliveira, Marcos Arruda 2385(63)BRA Southeast Brazil A.....½........80.501.751313
14POL421300CCMFałatowicz, Piotr2449(86)POL Subcarpathian - Rymanów City..............80001414
15PHI896098SIMRamos, Francis A.2437(58)PHI Philippines North..............80001414

Latest results from 12/19/2024 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 64, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 41

This is a server event.
The start date was 9/21/2024.
3-day guaranteed reflection time applies after move 50.
Triple Block system for a 700 day event, with 50 days initial bank and 5 days increment for the first 50 moves is used.
If a player's clock reaches zero, the player will automatically be scored with a loss (even if the bank and/or the increment are > 0). Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
Players cannot stop their clocks to take leave.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
Draw offers are restricted to one offer per player every 10 moves (called the ten moves draw rule).
Individual ties are broken by the Baumbach tie breaking rule. This applies to board cross tables.
Team ties are broken by the board points tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule This applies to the team cross table.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Sherwood, Russell.

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